Cadastral surveying of the buildings
Our company performs Cadastral surveying (inventory) of:
Residential and garden buildings.
The auxiliary household buildings.
Various purpose non-residential buildings.
Apartments and non-residential premises.
Utilities networks and installations.
Cadastral surveying must be done:
After the cadastral surveying we create the file of the real property Cadastral surveying, in which we plot the plan of the building layout in the land plot (if it is formed), the plans of the building floors, calculate the volume of the building, total and developed area, gross area, determine the category of the building, perform the evaluation (constructional value, restoration value and average market value) and calculate the wearing.
Cadastral surveying (inventory) is performed by experienced specialists with the qualification of the land surveyor.
The measuring is performed with modern technical equipment. We create the files by using the data package that was prepared by the SE "Center of register" and the licensed computer program "Matininkas".