Completed works
Algirdo st. 41A
Cadastral surveying of the residential blockhouse located at Algirdo st. 41A, Vilnius, representation in the construction completion commission.
Fabijoniškių st. 4
Cadastral surveying of the part of the garage purpose building, located at Fabijoniškių st. 4, Vilnius, preparation of the documents, consultations and representation of the community in the construction completion commission, as well as in all institutions and organisations.
Filaretų st. 31
Cadastral surveying of the residential blockhouse and utilities networks, builder's consultation and representation in the construction completion commission proceedings.
Konstitucijos av.
Cadastral surveying of the part of the administrative building, underground garage (parking) and utilities networks located at Konstitucijos av. 21, Vilnius, and representation in the construction completion commission proceedings.
Olimpiečių st.15
Cadastral surveying of the restored administrative building, located at Olimpiečių st. 15, Vilnius, and representation in the construction completion commission.
Ukmergės st. 251
Cadastral surveying of the trade service building with machine shops, engineering installations and utilities networks, located at Ukmergės st. 251, Vilnius, consultations during the design and construction.
Vytenio st. 22
Cadastral surveying of the part of the administrative building that underwent major repairs, located at Vytenio st. 22, Vilnius, with the formation of new (modified purpose) property units, consultations during the construction, construction completion procedure and legal registration.
Žemaitės st. 21
Cadastral surveying of the administrative building, located at Žemaitės st. 21, Vilnius, and the representation of the Customer.
And many other completed works...