We are responsible to our client for the whole sequence of works.
House submission, cadastral surveying, designing
Submission of houses for the state commission
We take care of all necessary documents, so that the documents of your residential house or other building would be ready for the legal registration in the Real Property Register.
Cadastral surveying of buildings
Cadastral surveying (inventory) is performed by experienced specialists with the qualification of the land surveyor. Measuring is done with the modern technical equipment.
Certification of the energy performance
We determine the thermal energy consumption of the building, assign the building to the energy performance class (A++, A+, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) and issue the energy performance certification for the building.
Building design
Harmonisation of the project, acquisition of the construction permit, rewriting of the construction permit and the extension of the duration of the construction permit.
The services are provided by the qualified specialists.
The managing and registration of all building documents for the reasonable price. Law consultations on all issues of construction.
Services that we provide
- Submission of houses to the state commission (Completion of construction)
- Legalisation of unregistered buildings
- Cadastral surveying of buildings (Inventory)
- Building design
- Building purpose modification
- Certification of the energy performance